Main publications concerning security models and proofs
Chen, S., Lampe, R., Lee, J., Seurin, Y. and Steinberger, J. P.
"Minimizing the Two-Round Even-Mansour Cipher", in Garay, J.
A. and Gennaro, R., ed.,'Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2014 (Proceedings,
Part I)', Springer, Full version available at,
2014, pp. 39--56.
Cogliati, B., Patarin, J. and Seurin, Y. "Security Amplification
for the Composition of Block Ciphers: Simpler Proofs and New Results", in
Joux, A. and Youssef, A. M., ed.,'Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC
2014', Springer, 2014, pp. 129--146.
Cogliati, B. and Seurin, Y. "Beyond-Birthday-Bound Security for
Tweakable Even-Mansour Ciphers with Linear Tweak and Key Mixing", in Iwata,
T. and Cheon, J. H., ed.,'Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2015 (Proceedings,
Part II)', Springer, 2015, pp. 134--158.
Cogliati, B. and Seurin, Y. "On the Provable Security of the
Iterated Even-Mansour Cipher against Related-Key and Chosen-Key Attacks", in
Oswald, E. and Fischlin, M., ed.,'Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2015
(Proceedings, Part I)', Springer, Full version available at, 2015, pp. 584--613.
Gazi, P., Lee, J., Seurin, Y., Steinberger, J. P. and Tessaro, S.
"Relaxing Full-Codebook Security: A Refined Analysis of Key-Length
Extension Schemes", in Leander, G., ed.,'Fast Software Encryption -
FSE 2015', Springer, 2015, pp. 319--341.
Lampe, R., Patarin, J. and Seurin, Y. "An Asymptotically Tight
Security Analysis of the Iterated Even-Mansour Cipher", in Wang, X.
and Sako, K., ed.,'Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2012', Springer, 2012,
pp. 278--295.
Main publications
concerning cryptanalysis
Berger, T. P. and Minier, M. "Some Results Using the Matrix Methods
on Impossible, Integral and Zero-Correlation Distinguishers for Feistel-Like
Ciphers", in Biryukov, A. and Goyal, V., ed.,'Progress in
Cryptology – INDOCRYPT 2015. Proceedings', Springer, 2015, pp. 180--197.
Blondeau, C. and Minier, M. "Analysis of Impossible, Integral and
Zero-Correlation Attacks on Type-II Generalized Feistel Networks Using the
Matrix Method", in Leander, G., ed.,'Fast Software Encryption -
22nd International Workshop, FSE 2015. Revised Selected Papers', Springer,
2015, pp. 92--113.
Canteaut, A. and Roué, J. "On the behaviors of affine equivalent
Sboxes regarding differential and linear attacks"'Early Symmetric Crypto -
ESC 2015', Clervaux, Luxembourg, 2015.
Canteaut, A., Fuhr, T., Gilbert, H., Naya-Plasencia, M. and Reinhard,
J.-R. "Multiple Differential Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced PRINCE", in
Cid, C. and Rechberger, C., ed.,'Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2014.
Revised Selected Papers', Springer, 2014, pp. 591--610.
Canteaut, A., Lallemand, V. and Naya-Plasencia, M. "Related-Key
Attack on Full-Round PICARO", in
Dunkelman, O. and Keliher, L., ed., 'Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC
2015', Springer, 2015, pp. 86-101.
Canteaut, A., Naya-Plasencia, M. and Vayssière, B.
"Sieve-in-the-Middle: Improved MITM Attacks", in Canetti, R.
and Garay, J. A., ed.,'Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2013. Proceedings, Part
I', Springer, 2013, pp. 222--240.
Canteaut, A. and Roué, J. "Differential Attacks Against SPN: A
Thorough Analysis"'Codes, Cryptology, and Information Security - C2SI
2015', Springer, Rabat, Morocco, 2015, pp. 45-62.
Canteaut, A. and Roué, J. "On the behaviors of affine equivalent
Sboxes regarding differential and linear attacks"'Advances in Cryptology -
Eurocrypt 2015 (Part I)', Springer, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2015, pp. 45-74.
Fuhr, T. and Minaud, B. "Match Box Meet-in-the-Middle Attack
Against KATAN", in Cid, C. and Rechberger, C., ed.,'Fast Software
Encryption - 21st International Workshop, FSE 2014. Revised Selected Papers',
Springer, 2014, pp. 61--81.
Gilbert, H.. An
Untwisted Representation of AES, ESC 2013, janvier 2013, Mondorf-les-Bains,
Gilbert, H. "A Simplified Representation of AES", in Sarkar,
P. and Iwata, T., ed.,'Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2014. Proceedings,
Part I', Springer, 2014, pp. 200--222.
Jean, J., Naya-Plasencia, M. and Peyrin, T. "Improved Cryptanalysis
of AES-like Permutations," J. Cryptology (27:4), 2014, pp.
Jean, J., Naya-Plasencia, M. and Peyrin, T. "Multiple
Limited-Birthday Distinguishers and Applications", in Lange, T.,
Lauter, K. E. and Lisonek, P., ed.,'Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC 2013.
Revised Selected Papers', Springer, 2013, pp. 533--550.
Lallemand, V. and Naya-Plasencia, M. "Cryptanalysis of KLEIN",
in Cid, C. and Rechberger, C., ed.,'Fast Software Encryption - FSE 2014.
Revised Selected Papers', Springer, 2014, pp. 451--470.
Lallemand, V. and Naya-Plasencia, M. "Cryptanalysis of Full
Sprout"'Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2015 (Part I)', Springer, Santa
Barbara, United States, 2015, pp. 663-682.
Maury, F., Reinhard, J.-R., Levillain, O. and Gilbert,
H. "Format Oracles on OpenPGP", in Nyberg, K., ed.,'Topics in
Cryptology - CT-RSA 2015. Proceedings', Springer, 2015, pp.
Minier, M. "On the Security of Piccolo Lightweight Block Cipher
against Related-Key Impossible Differentials" 'Progress in Cryptology -
INDOCRYPT 2013', Springer, 2013, pp. 308-318.
Minier M.: Improving Impossible Differential Attacks against
Rijndael-160 and Rijndael-224. In The Ninth International Workshop on Coding
and Cryptography - WCC 2015, 2015.
Minier, M. and Naya-Plasencia, M. "A related key impossible
differential attack against 22 rounds of the lightweight block cipher
LBlock," Inf. Process. Lett. (112:16), 2012, pp. 624--629.
Minier, M., Phan, R. C.-W. and Pousse, B. "On Integral
Distinguishers of Rijndael Family of Ciphers," Cryptologia (36:2),
2012, pp. 104--118.
Minier, M. and Thomas, G. "An Integral Distinguisher on Grøstl-512
v3", in Paul, G. and Vaudenay, S., ed.,'Progress in Cryptology -
INDOCRYPT 2013. Proceedings', Springer, 2013, pp. 50--59.
Naya-Plasencia, M..
Cryptanalysis of lightweight block ciphers. In summer school on Design and
Security of Cryptographic Functions, Algorithms and Devices, Albena, Bulgaria,
July 2013.
Main publications
concerning design and security arguments
Augot, D. and Finiasz, M. "Direct Construction of Recursive MDS
Diffusion Layers using Shortened BCH Codes", in Cid, C. and
Rechberger, C., ed.,'FSE 2014', Springer, 2014, pp. 3--17. Best paper award.
Augot, D. and Finiasz, M. "Exhaustive Search for Small Dimension
Recursive MDS Diffusion Layers for Block Ciphers and Hash
Functions"'Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory', IEEE, 2013, pp. 1551--1555.
Berger, T. P. "Construction of Recursive MDS Diffusion Layers from
Gabidulin Codes", in Paul, G. and Vaudenay, S., ed.,'Progress in
Cryptology - INDOCRYPT 2013. Proceedings', Springer, 2013, pp. 274--285.
Berger, T. P., D'Hayer, J., Marquet, K., Minier, M. and Thomas, G.
"The GLUON Family: A Lightweight Hash Function Family Based on
FCSRs", in Mitrokotsa, A. and Vaudenay, S., ed.,'Progress in
Cryptology - AFRICACRYPT 2012. Proceedings', Springer, 2012, pp. 306--323.
Berger, T. P., Francq, J. and Minier, M. "CUBE Cipher: A Family of
Quasi-Involutive Block Ciphers Easy to Mask", in Hajji, S. E.,
Nitaj, A., Carlet, C. and Souidi, E. M., ed.,'Codes, Cryptology, and
Information Security - First International Conference, C2SI 2015, Rabat,
Morocco, May 26-28, 2015, Proceedings - In Honor of Thierry Berger', Springer,
2015, pp. 89--105.
Berger, T. P., Minier, M. and Thomas, G. "Extended Generalized
Feistel Networks Using Matrix Representation"'Selected Areas in
Cryptography - SAC 2013', Springer, 2013, pp. 289--305.
Berger, T., Francq, J., Minier, M. and Thomas, G. "Extended
Generalized Feistel Networks using Matrix Representation to Propose a New
Lightweight Block Cipher: Lilliput," IEEE Transactions on Computers
(PP:99), 2015, pp. 1-16.
Boura, C. and Canteaut, A. "A New Criterion for Avoiding the
Propagation of Linear Relations Through an Sbox", in Moriai, S.,
ed.,'Fast Software Encryption - 20th International Workshop, FSE 2013. Revised
Selected Papers', Springer, 2013, pp. 585--604.
Canteaut, A
. Similarities between encryption and decryption: How far can we go? In
Selected Areas in Cryptography - SAC 2013, Vancouver, Canada, August 2013.
Stafford Tavares Lecture.
A.. Extended differential properties of cryptographic functions. In The 11th
International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications - Fq11,
Magdeburg, Germany, July 2013. Invited talk.
A. "Chiffrements à bas coût : comment chiffrer et déchiffrer avec des
opérations similaires"'Journées Nationales du GDR Informatique Mathématique',
Paris, France, 2014.
Canteaut, A., Duval, S. and Leurent, G. "Construction of
Lightweight S-Boxes using Feistel and MISTY structures", in Dunkelman, O. and Keliher, L., ed., 'Selected
Areas in Cryptography - SAC 2015', Springer, 2015, pp. 373-393.
Canteaut, A. and Roué, J. "On the Differential Probability of
Substitution-Permutation Networks"'The 12th International Conference on
Finite Fields and Their Applications - Fq12', Saratoga Springs, United States,
Canteaut, A. and Roué, J. "Extended differential properties of
cryptographic functions"'Theory and Applications of Finite Fields', contemporary mathematics series vol.
632, AMS, 2014.
Charpin, P. "PN and APN functions", in Mullen, G. and
Panario, D., ed.,'Handbook of Finite Fields', Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2013.
Charpin, P., Kyureghyan, G. M. M. and Suder, V. "Sparse
permutations with low differential uniformity," Finite Fields and Their
Applications (28), 2014, pp. 214--243.
Charpin, P., Mesnager, S. and Sarkar, S. "Involutions over the
Galois field F_2^n," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
(62:4), 2016.
Charpin, P., Mesnager, S. and Sarkar, S. "Dickson polynomials that
are involutions"'Finite Fields and Applications - Fq12 -', Saratoga
Springs, United States, 2015.
Charpin, P., Mesnager, S. and Sarkar, S. "On involutions of finite
fields"'International Symposium on Information Theory - ISIT 2015',
Hong-Kong, China, 2015.
Gérard, B., Grosso, V., Naya-Plasencia, M. and Standaert, F.-X.
"Block Ciphers That Are Easier to Mask: How Far Can We Go?", in Bertoni,
G. and Coron, J.-S., ed.,'Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES
2013. Proceedings', Springer, 2013, pp. 383--399.
Kyureghyan, G. M. M. and Suder, V. "On inversion in Z_{2^n-1},"
Finite Fields and Their Applications (25), 2014, pp. 234--254.
Kyureghyan, G. M. M. and Suder, V. "On inverses of APN
exponents"'Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on
Information Theory, ISIT 2012', IEEE, 2012, pp. 1207--1211.
Mouha, N. "Chaskey: a Lightweight MAC Algorithm for
Microcontrollers"'NIST Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2015',
Gaithersburg, United States, 2015.
Mouha, N. "The Design Space of Lightweight Cryptography"'NIST
Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2015', Gaithersburg, United States, 2015.
Mouha, N. "Symmetric-key Cryptography: an Engineering
Perspective"'ASK 2014: The Fourth Asian Workshop on Symmetric Key
Cryptography – an IACR Cryptology School', Chennai, India, 2014.
Mouha, N. "Chaskey: a MAC Algorithm for Microcontrollers – Status
Update and Proposal of Chaskey-12 –", Technical report, Inria Paris
Rocquencourt, 2015.
Main publications concerning the library
Cazorla, M., Gourgeon, S., Marquet, K. and Minier, M. "Survey and
benchmark of lightweight block ciphers for MSP430 16-bit microcontroller,"
Security and Communication Networks (8:18), 2015, pp. 3564--3579.
A. Canteaut and M. Minier. De l'espérance de
vie d'un algorithme symétrique (ou l'AES dix ans après). MISC, (HS 5):12-19, April-May 2012.
A. Canteaut. Promenade mathématique : Comment
concevoir un chiffrement rapide et solide. In Journées "Filles et Maths", IHP, Paris, December 2012.
A. Canteaut. Comment concevoir un algorithme
de chiffrement sûr et efficace. In Forum des jeunes Mathématicien-nes, Lyon,
November 2013. Exposé invité.
H. Gilbert. Cryptanalyse structurelle de
versions réduites d'AES. Journées
C2, octobre 2012, Dinard.
M. Minier. Les 10 ans de l’AES. Journées RAIM,
21-22 juin 2012, Dijon, France.